March MATness Summary: Master Your Pilates Practice

Master Your Pilates Practice: A Timeless Journey through March MATness

As we bid farewell to March, we also conclude our journey through March MATness, a month-long celebration of Pilates mat exercises. From igniting our core with "The Hundred" to mastering the Pilates-style push-up, each day has brought new challenges and triumphs in our quest for strength, stability, and flexibility.

Day 1: "The Hundred"

"The Hundred" is a quintessential Pilates exercise that involves lying on your back, lifting your legs, and pumping your arms up and down. This exercise ignites your core, warms up your entire body, and improves circulation.

The Roll Up challenges spinal articulation and abdominal strength by rolling up and down with control. It improves the mind-body connection, enhances core strength, and promotes spinal flexibility.

The Rollover involves lifting your legs overhead and rolling back down with control, targeting stability and mobility. It strengthens the core, lengthens the spine, and improves flexibility in the back and hamstrings.

March Matness Day 4 - One Leg Circles: Enhance Your Hip Mobility and Core Strength

One Leg Circles enhance hip mobility and core strength by circling one leg in the air while keeping the other stable. They improve range of motion in the hips, challenge stability, and promote balanced muscle development.


Rolling Like a Ball massages the spine, challenges balance, and stimulates the core by rocking back and forth in a seated position. It releases tension in the back, massages internal organs, and improves coordination and balance.

Single Leg Stretch strengthens the core and coordination by alternating hugging one knee in while extending the other leg out. It targets the abdominals, improves hip flexor flexibility, and enhances stability and control.

Double Leg Stretch strengthens the core and hip rotators by reaching both legs out and then hugging them back in. It challenges the abdominals, improves pelvic stability, and enhances overall body control.

March Matness Day 8 - Spine Stretch Forward: Keeping Your Spine Healthy and Hydrated

Spine Stretch Forward keeps the spine healthy and hydrated by reaching forward with control while seated. It stretches the spine, releases tension in the back and shoulders, and improves posture.

Open Leg Rocker cultivates pliability for a flexible body by balancing on the sitting bones and rolling back and forth. It strengthens the core, massages the spine, and improves balance and coordination.

The Corkscrew enhances pliability for a supple body by circling the legs in a controlled motion. It massages the spine, improves spinal mobility, and challenges core strength and stability.

The Saw is a graceful exercise that twists the spine and reaches in opposite directions. It releases tension in the back and shoulders, improves spinal rotation, and enhances flexibility.

The Swan Dive strengthens the back and improves posture by lifting and lowering with control. It targets the muscles along the spine, opens the chest, and promotes spinal extension.

March Matness Day 13 - Energize with Single Leg Kick

Single Leg Kick energizes the lower body by kicking and stretching with each breath. It targets the hamstrings and glutes, improves lower body strength, and enhances flexibility in the legs.

Double Leg Stretch strengthens the back and shoulders by lifting and lowering with control. It targets the muscles along the spine, opens the chest, and improves spinal extension and flexibility.

Neck Pull strengthens and lengthens the spine by reaching forward and rolling back with control. It strengthens the core, improves posture, and releases tension in the neck and shoulders.

Scissors and Bicycle challenge core strength and coordination by cycling the legs in the air. They target the abdominals, improve hip flexor flexibility, and enhance coordination and balance.

Shoulder Bridge stabilizes the core and strengthens the glutes and hamstrings by lifting and lowering the hips with control. It improves pelvic stability, strengthens the lower body, and enhances spinal mobility.

Spine Twist promotes core mobility and benefits golfers by rotating the spine and reaching in opposite directions. It improves spinal rotation, releases tension in the back, and enhances flexibility in the torso.


Jackknife challenges core strength and balance by lifting and lowering with control. It targets the abdominals, improves balance and stability, and enhances coordination.

Side Kick Series and Side Leg Sideline Series tone the outer thighs and improve hip mobility by lifting and lowering the legs with control. They target the muscles along the outer thighs, improve hip stability, and enhance flexibility in the hips.

The Teaser Exercise challenges core strength and stability by lifting and lowering with control. It strengthens the abdominals, improves balance and coordination, and enhances overall body control.

Hip Circles promote core stability and mobility by circling the hips in controlled motions. They massage the hip joints, improve hip mobility, and enhance overall body awareness.

Swimming Exercise strengthens the back and improves spinal extension by lifting and lowering the arms and legs with control. It targets the muscles along the spine, improves back strength and stability, and enhances posture.

Leg Pull Front and Back challenge core stability and arm strength by lifting and lowering with control. They strengthen the core, improve upper body strength, and enhance coordination and balance.

March Matness Day 25 - Sidekick Kneeling

Sidekick Kneeling tones the outer thighs and improves hip mobility by lifting and lowering the legs with control. It targets the muscles along the outer thighs, improves hip stability, and enhances flexibility in the hips.

March Matness Day 26 - Side Bends

Side Bends stretch and strengthen the sides of the torso by reaching up and over with control. They improve lateral flexibility, release tension in the side body, and enhance spinal mobility.

The Boomerang challenges core strength and coordination by rolling back and forth with control. It strengthens the abdominals, improves spinal articulation, and enhances overall body control.

Seal massages the spine and challenges balance by rolling back and forth with control. It releases tension in the back, massages internal organs, and improves coordination and balance.

Rocking is a dynamic exercise that challenges core stability and coordination by rocking back and forth with control. It strengthens the core, improves balance and coordination, and enhances overall body control.

March Matness Day 30 -Control Balance

Control Balance challenges core strength and stability by lifting and lowering with control. It strengthens the abdominals, improves balance and coordination, and enhances overall body control.

March Matness: Day 31 - Mastering the Pilates-Style Push-Up

The Pilates-Style Push-Up targets the upper body and core by pressing and lowering with control. It strengthens the arms, shoulders, and chest, improves core stability, and enhances overall upper body strength.

As we conclude our March MATness journey, let's celebrate how far we've come and carry the strength, stability, and flexibility we've gained into the days ahead. Whether you're a Pilates enthusiast or new to the practice, let the lessons of March MATness inspire you to embrace movement, challenge yourself, and live your strongest, healthiest life.


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Your In-Home Pilates Studio: A Complete Guide


March Matness: Day 31 - Mastering the Pilates-Style Push-Up