March Matness: Day 5 - Rolling Like a Ball

Steve Vicera Therapeutic Pilates Specialist performing the 'Rolling Like a Ball' exercise on a Pilates mat. He showcases proper form and alignment, emphasizing core engagement and fluid movement during this dynamic Pilates session.

Welcome to Day 5 of our March Matness challenge! As part of this exciting event, instructors and Pilates practitioners are sharing daily exercises for 31 days. Today, we will be focusing on "Rolling Like a Ball," also known as "Rolling Back" in Joseph Pilates' classic book, Return to Life.

Exercise Description:

To perform "Rolling Like a Ball," start by sitting on your mat with your spine rounded, forming a graceful C-curve resembling the shape of the C. Engage your abdominals and obliques while lifting both legs off the mat. Your hands should rest on your shins, knees together, and toes pointed. Find balance on your sit bones, and let's begin!

How to Perform "Rolling Like a Ball":

Step 1: Inhale as you roll back, engaging your shoulder blades, and then exhale as you return to the starting position. The key is to maintain control throughout the movement.

Step 2: Continue this motion, inhaling as you roll back and exhaling as you return, finding a rhythm that feels comfortable for you.


"Rolling Like a Ball" is an exercise with numerous benefits, suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. It is particularly advantageous for those practicing martial arts, like jujitsu, where falling is common. By mastering this exercise, you learn how to protect your head during falls.

Additionally, "Rolling Like a Ball" helps lengthen the superficial backline, which connects various parts of our body, from the eyebrows, head, neck, upper back, lower back, hamstrings, calves, and down to the feet. This gentle movement hydrates the superficial band, enhancing mobility and flexibility.

Engaging the Pelvic Floor:

While performing "Rolling Like a Ball," don't forget to engage your pelvic floor muscles. This engagement provides stability and strengthens the core, essential for maintaining proper form throughout the exercise.

Safety Tips and Modifications:

Your safety is our top priority. Before attempting any new exercise, we encourage you to consult with a healthcare professional or certified Pilates instructor, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. Additionally, for beginners or individuals with limited mobility, we recommend modifying the exercise with props or seeking guidance from an experienced instructor.

Congratulations on completing Day 5 of our March Matness challenge with the "Rolling Like a Ball" exercise! Remember, this exercise is not only fun but also holds tremendous benefits for your body, making it an excellent addition to your Pilates routine.

As we continue this journey, stay tuned for more daily exercises, each carefully curated to enhance your fitness journey. Whether you're a teenager, an athlete, or seeking therapeutic Pilates, our diverse workouts cater to all. Let's embrace the joy of movement and celebrate our progress together.

Join us tomorrow for Day 6 as we explore another exciting Pilates exercise! Keep rolling, and see you there!

Disclaimer: Before starting any new exercise program, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional or certified Pilates instructor, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.


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