March Matness Day 28 Seal

Steve Vicera, Therapeutic Pilates Expert, leading "The Seal" exercise for March Matness Day 28

Hi everyone! Welcome to March Matness Day 28. For those wondering, March Matness is a yearly event where Pilates instructors and enthusiasts worldwide come together to perform the 34 exercises developed by Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates. Originally known as "Contrology," Pilates' followers later named it after him as a tribute to his work.

Today, we'll be focusing on an exercise called "The Seal." This exercise has an interesting origin, as Joseph Pilates used to take power walks to the zoo in New York during the 1920s. There, he observed animal movements, which inspired him to create some Pilates exercises, including "The Seal." Additionally, Pilates' work has had a significant influence on the world of dance, resulting in the incorporation of dancer terminology in his exercise repertoire.

Exercise Description:

  1. Begin seated on your sit bones with your back rounded and legs laterally rotated. Hold your ankles from the inside and outside, so the soles of your feet are facing each other.

  2. Like a playful seal, clap your feet together twice and then three times in quick succession (1, 2, 3). During this movement, engage your obliques and maintain a flexed lumbar spine.

  3. After the clapping sequence, roll back on your shoulders (pop, pop, pop), and then come back up to the starting position, repeating the clapping motion.

  4. Perform this sequence with a sense of playfulness and rhythm, as if imitating the movements of a seal.

Modifications and Variations:

  1. For those who find the full seal challenging, a modified version can be performed. Keep your arms extended out before you instead of holding your ankles. In this modified version, you can omit the clapping and focus on the rolling movement.

  2. It's essential to roll onto your shoulder blades and not your neck during this exercise to maintain proper form and safety.

Benefits of "The Seal":

  • Engages and strengthens the obliques and core muscles.

  • Improves spinal flexibility and mobility.

  • Challenges balance and coordination.

  • Fun and playful exercise, suitable for kids and the young at heart.

Congratulations on completing the "The Seal" exercise! Remember to approach this movement with joy and playfulness, just like a seal enjoying its time in the water.

As we approach the end of March Matness, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have joined us on this Pilates journey. We have one more day to go, and I'm thrilled to see you again for Day 29. Keep up the fantastic work, and see you tomorrow!

Disclaimer: Before starting any new exercise program, consult with a healthcare professional or certified Pilates instructor, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or injuries. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.


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