March Matness Day 22 - Hip Circles - Revolutionize Your Core with Dynamic Hip Circles

Steve Vicera, Therapeutic Pilates Expert, performing Hip Circles Pilates exercise, legs lifted in a tabletop position, engaging core and promoting hip flexibility.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to Day 22 of March Madness. Today, we'll be doing Hip Circles, a Pilates exercise that targets your core, hip flexors, and pelvic stability.

Exercise Description:

  1. Sit down on your sit bones with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands on the mat slightly behind your hips for support.

  2. Scoop your belly in and lift your legs off the mat to a tabletop position. Your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle, and your shins should be parallel to the floor.

  3. Inhale to prepare, and as you exhale, start drawing circles with your legs. Half of the circle goes up, and the other half goes down.

  4. Repeat the circular motion for the desired number of repetitions. You can do 5 to 8 circles in one direction and then reverse the direction for another 5 to 8 circles.

Modifications and Variations:

If you find it challenging to lift your legs off the mat, you can keep your feet on the ground and focus on the circular movement of your knees. This modification allows for a shorter lever, making the exercise more manageable.

  1. For added support and stability, you can place your forearms on the mat, keeping your shoulders engaged and away from your ears.

  2. Remember to engage your core throughout the exercise to protect your lower back and maintain stability in your pelvis.

  3. You can make the circles smaller or larger based on your comfort level and strength. Start with smaller circles and gradually increase the size as you gain more control.

Benefits of Hip Circles:

  • Hip circles help to improve hip flexibility and mobility.

  • They engage and strengthen the core, particularly the rectus abdominis and obliques.

  • The exercise targets the hip flexors, promoting better control and stability in the pelvis.

  • Hip circles also activate the glutes and inner thighs, contributing to overall lower body strength.

  • This movement promotes better body awareness and coordination.

Congratulations on completing the Hip Circles exercise! This Pilates movement offers an excellent opportunity to work on your core strength, hip mobility, and pelvic stability.

Remember to maintain proper form, control your breath, and perform the exercise at a pace that suits your fitness level. As you progress, challenge yourself with larger circles and more repetitions.

Thank you for joining us for Day 22 of March Matness. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow for another exciting Pilates workout. See you then!

Disclaimer: Before starting any new exercise program, consult with a healthcare professional or certified Pilates instructor, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or injuries. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.

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